You’re Invited!


We understand showing up at a new place for the first time can be nerve-wracking, so here's more information about Grace and what you can expect.

We believe that when people Discover God, personally that it leads to life change.

We believe that change is best with accountability and love from others—that’s why it’s essential to Belong in community. We call that Life Groups at Grace.

We believe God gave everyone unique skills and talents to help change the world around them. We have several serving opportunities to fit your skill and schedule here at Grace!

Are you feeling called to go? Be the hands and feet of Jesus while going on mission with Grace.

MOVE Initiative


Twenty-five years ago a group of faithful Jesus followers stepped out of their comfort zone and made a bold move to begin Grace Community Church. God honored that, and is still honoring their move today. It is time for Grace to make our next MOVE…a two-year generosity initiative to reach our Neighbors and Nations, and the Next Generation.

McDowell Cares

Resources on relief, serving opportunities and giving for McDowell County residents effected by the devastation of Hurricane Helene.

  • Were you affected by Hurricane Helene? host Local, State and Federal resource.

  • Volunteers are helping in feeding; shower and laundry; chain saw teams; tarping roofs; mudding and tearing out homes; and more. You don’t need to be trained to serve with some of these opportunities.

    Baptists on Mission will be sending volunteers to serve Western NC for many weeks, months and years to come. Your team may very well be more needed a month or two from now than they are right now.

    Register today to serve the people of Western North Carolina by clicking here!

  • Donate now to help those affected by Hurricane Helene.

    Your generous donation will help us deliver our mission to the people of McDowell County and surrounding areas who need us most during this difficult time.