Twenty-five years ago a group of faithful Jesus followers stepped out of their comfort zone and made a bold move to begin Grace Community Church. God honored that, and is still honoring their move today. It is time for Grace to make our next MOVE…a two-year generosity initiative to reach our Neighbors and Nations, and the Next Generation.

A MOVE for our Neighbors and Nations!

Our mission at Grace is to REACH RAISE & SEND. In the next two years we will do that by making a significant investment in our discipleship ministries, local outreach, missions, and church planting. This will include our general 2 year budget which is our commitment to reach the lost, raise up strong disciples, which includes discipling kids, students and their families. We will continue to create a sending culture by expanding our short-term mission trips to provide 50% of the cost of all who go on mission trips. Part of our effort is to grow our intern ministry, and begin a ministry residency for those called to full time vocational ministry and missions. This also includes a significant commitment ($100k annually) to our daytime Preschool and ($100K annually) towards short-term mission trips. Already you are giving $1.96 million annually.

A MOVE for the Next Generation!

At Grace we stand on tall shoulders of people who prioritized kids, youth and families from day one. We still do. On Wednesdays more than 300 kids, students and parents pack our campus for Kidlife, Youth Worship and Adult Life Groups. We will build a two-story, 11,000 square-foot discipleship space. The top floor will be for students and their discipleship, the bottom floor for Life Groups of students’ parents. The building will also be the primary lobby space on Sundays for worship. 

First Floor - Life Groups of students’ parents.

Second Floor - Student ministry space.

“God’s further blessings are sufficient to meet the needs that his former blessings caused.  God caused problems have God’s unlimited resources for their solution.”

How Will We Do This?

100% Engagement

Together. Since the first purchase of land 25 years ago, the Grace family has sacrificially given to see God’s work happen. This will be no different. Our goal is 100% Prayerful Engagement…everybody giving as God leads and enables them to give. In other words, every gear working. Every. Single. One.

Faithful Giving

Already the Grace family is on track to give $2 million to our Ministry Plan (budget, Preschool and Missions this year!) Go God! We will add missions and preschool giving to our annual Ministry Plan to insure that those needs will be met.

Want to know more?

What Excites you about the MOVE initiative?