I was born and raised in Avery County, North Carolina. Growing up, God blessed me with two amazing parents who made it a priority to present the Gospel to me at a very young age. At the age of seven, I invited God into my heart. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school when I realized what it truly meant to “pick up our cross and carry it.” Since 2010, I’ve had the opportunity to lead and serve in several ministries, both in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina. This is when I realized my greatest joy was serving in ministry. I spent three summers (2011-2013) in Malawi, Africa where I assisted with a team of individuals building medical clinics in remote villages. I graduated from Gardner Webb University with my Bachelor’s degree in 2016. I started attending Grace Community Church in 2019 with my then Fiancée and became a member in 2021.

In 2020 I moved to McDowell County and married my amazing wife Katie. We currently live in downtown Marion. We enjoy spending time with friends and family, traveling to new places, eating amazing food and pampering our child Darci (Golden Doodle).

I am an avid NC State fan. I love board games, scuba diving, flying airplanes, seafood and lake days.

Brent Ramsey