Join The Family.
Growing Together
A life group is 5 to 12 people who gather weekly to encourage, challenge, and care for one another for the purpose of becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. Life Groups consist of six couples or eight singles who meet for the primary purpose of getting to know Jesus and one another. Weekly meetings include food (usually), prayer for one another, study in God’s Word and accountability.

Mike & Judith Spath
Sunday’s at 10:30am
Grace Community Church
Married Couples

David & Michelle Husbands
Sunday’s at 3:00pm
Married Couples
Grace Community Church

Ellis & Fretwell
2nd & 4th Wednesday’s of each month at 6:00pm
Married Couples
Old Fort, NC

Mike & Ellen Ornberg
Monday 6:30pm
Marion, NC
Married Couples

Bill & Janet Hiatt
Sunday, 9:30am
Married Couples & Singles
Grace Community Church